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Plans & Reports
Measuring our impact and clearly defining our strategic priorities.
Plans & Reports
Measuring our impact and clearly defining our strategic priorities.
How We're Doing
We are happy to share with you our 2023 Impact Report. Your support has enabled us to make a meaningful impact in our students’ academic trajectory, thank you!

We have identified the following priorities in our 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan:
- Pillar 1 Foundation: Prepare Youth to Succeed in School and Life
- Pillar 2 Direction: Expand Bridge the Gap’s Role as a Leader for Educational Equity in Marin County
- Pillar 3 Permanence: Secure and Fund Long-Term Organizational Growth and Sustainability
- Pillar 4 Sustainability & Retention: Ensure Bridge the Gap is a Highly Desirable and Rewarding Place to Work
- Pillar 5 Partnership: Deepen Relationships with Partners and the Community